As a Fake Doctor Caught in New Jersey, Quackery runs Rampant in our Society - Ink and Quill - The Best Hub for Creative Writing


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Saturday, July 29, 2023

As a Fake Doctor Caught in New Jersey, Quackery runs Rampant in our Society

On Wednesday, a 62 years old woman named Marie Macburnie, or as per the locals, Dr Fe Almazon Condit, was caught practicing medicine prescription while pretending to be a doctor in her family member’s stead. The lady was hastily arrested and shifted to Ocean County Jail of Toms River by Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office, who restricted further access to Marie Macburnie’s condition and whether she has been provided a legal counsel.

She started her quack journey back in march 2022 after claiming a license of her family member. She is now charged with more than a single crime including, forgery, prescribing medicine fraud, and practicing medicine unlicensed. The question is, why quackery is so rampant around the globe, and why the authorizes have not taken any hasty action to this predicament. Marie has now contributed to a year worth of danger to innocent patients, yet she was caught only now.

Not to mention, a few weeks back, about 124 fake doctors were caught in South Africa across the entire country. These doctors for one reason or the other affect our continuous exposure to healthcare dangers while locals like us remains unaware of their criminal actions.

Why Quacks Thrive?

Now, instead of highlighting the impairments caused by these quacks, it’s more important to know why it happens in our society. These are some common issues even a well-developed state like New Jersey has that actively gives rise to these dangers:

  1. Ignorance by Government Officials
  2. Poverty is thriving in the society. According to ‘’, Toms River has 7.32 rate of poverty among which about 10% thrives within the age range of Marie Macburnie
  3. Lack of a system to investigate doctors’ actions that lead to patient’s condition worsening
  4. Lack of any anti-quackery department in the country

What can we learn?

Moving forward, we must acknowledge that it is our own ignorance more than anything else, as locals, who often times neglect to analyze their own circumstances, and trust anyone and everyone by how they appear. You need to be careful; your murderer might appear to be your savior sometimes.

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